Monday 3 August 2009

Before and After , Good and Better

"""Er jie, this time will you cry again? lol. Not the same situation as NS so definately u wont cry haha. For your weak-est sub that is Account , you really need to brush up okay. Face your enemy ! haha.And I wish to heard good news from you saying that u're not single dy but i do not wish to heard that as well. *wink* Anyway, best er jie take good care. """

This was the previous post i blog it before i go uni. Its the time to change it, a new life for you, a new situation for you, a new challenge for you too and so on because there are many new things you gonna face it whether is good or bad. No doubt, i know you can do it in any aspect and i'll always support you no matter what happen. Things will change but i know our bond and chemistry will never ever change . Yet i still need to insist that you're still my best er jie.

Just after class, damn sleepy, going back to take a nap ~~~ bb.

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